Tuesday 16 March 2010

Survivor's guide: day 8

I can hardly believe that a week has past.  Every day seem to go on forever yet when I look back time has already passed.  This round of finals is coming to an end thank goodness.  A week break and then back to the grindstone again.

I think Laura would be impressed with how tidy I am keeping the house.  It isn't as clean as she likes it but it hasn't been getting any dirtier.  And no it is not because I have totally trashed the place so it can't get any dirtier. I just have lots of school stuff out that I need to tidy up.  That should restore the house to its normally pristine nature.

It is funny how the small things creep up on you and catch you off guard.  For instance Laura loves watching the show "Friends".  She watched it growing up and so it is something I have picked up.  In fact it made her day how fast I caught on to all the characters in the show.  We have it DVR so we can record and watch them together.  I was going to watch one, while I ate dinner causes I don't have my usual talking companion, and I couldn't.  I could not watch it without Laura.  It felt wrong.  It felt awkward watching it with out Laura.

Same thing goes with some ice cream we bought before she took off.  I find it very hard to even think about eating it without getting emotional.  I'm usually sharing with Laura.  It is the one time she lets me feed her.  Tried doing that with dinner and she takes the fork from my hand and feeds herself.  She is very independent but I love her.  It actually bothers her when I try doing that, something I found out ages ago.  I guess it is not as terribly romantic as the movies would have you think, go figure.

I was just thinking how quiet Laura is.  She doesn't say much, too busy thinking about stuff, and it has been interesting to see how that translates over the distance.  I forgot what it was like when we first met online.  She does talk more over the web cam now though compared to then.  So if you think she is quiet with you don't worry she is that way with almost everyone.  There are only a few she will open up to.

She would have been happy today with me getting home so early.  She loves that.  I wonder if the next week will be as fast paced as this on was.  What to do with so much free time...


Hilary said...

Can you take a day trip somewhere? It sounds like it might be nice to get away yourself :) Way to go surviving finals (almost) and Laura being gone. You're doing great!

Lindsay said...

hang in there stuee... i know what it's like to have your lover gone... cuz laura is MINE as well. HAH but seriously... enos is gone A LOT too because of school and it makes me miss him... we'll get through it though!! time will go slow.. but it will also go fast.. you know how it is. i think you should eat TWO bowls of ice cream.. one for you and one for laura.