Friday 26 March 2010

Survivor's guide: day 18

So yesterday I posted about my dear wife and her grimace of agony.  She's feeling much much better.  I can't wait for her to get all the Doc visits done with so we know what it is that is hurting her so.

I really can hardly wait to have my wife back again.  I miss her a lot.  I noticed that one of the big things she does for me is dinner, or any other meal, prep.  See I have a hard time deciding what I want when I am hungry, especially if I have to figure it out by simply looking at the ingredients.  It has always been a wonder to me how people can take apparently random things and make something fantastic. Have you ever considered what goes into making your favorite dish?  One of mine is Chicken Tikka Masala.  I am a HUGE fan of indian curries.  I am also partial to some thai curries as well.  There is not a bush out there the grows curry spice.  It is a mixture of spices.  Then you have to consider the base for the sauce and all it's flavors.  The chicken was the easy part of that recipe.  Laura is great at making meals.  Usually I'll ask what is for dinner.  Her response is to ask me what I would like.  I usually say one of two things (yes Laura you know what is coming next) "I dunno I'm just hungry" or "Food".  Not very helpful to Laura at all.  Yet she makes a fantastic meal every single time and it is always what I wanted.

Tonight I paced around the house trying to figure out what I wanted to eat.  I finally just made some refried bean wraps.  I did know what I wanted for dessert though.  I stopped by the produce stand the other day.  I told Laura about picking up some fresh strawberries, which she told me would go well with the Passion Fruit ice cream we had.  I took it a bit further and made a fruit salad topped with a bit of the ice cream.  It was fantastic.  Laura was right about the passion fruit ice cream going well with the strawberries, it also went well with the kiwi, orange, and banana.

Today I checked to see how much longer I was going to be living the single life (totally sucks by the way, I made the best decision ever getting married young) and was thoroughly disappointed to see that only two and a half weeks had actually gone by.  So while on my school break the days seem to be vanishing quickly, they aren't vanishing fast enough to get Laura back to me sooner.

I need another project. that will speed things up.

18 days down, too many to go (31).


Laura said...

Oh YUM! You are such a tease, that looks deeeelish!
Why were you wandering about the house looking for what you wanted to eat? Do you find the furniture inspiring? :-P