Tuesday 30 March 2010

Survivor's guide: day 22

Today has gone by quick.  I'm thankful for that.

I have noticed as time goes on without my wife I am beginning to normalize some.  At least enough that I am functioning.  I don't wander around in circles as much any more.  There are those days but fortunately they aren't as often.  Of course looking back it has only really been twenty-two days that have passed and I am talking like it has been months.  Maybe I'm not doing as well as I thought.  It is really hard to tell when days seem like months, and weeks years.

So I snagged this picture of Laura from when we were chatting a bit ago.  I really miss those eyes.  I miss all of her but I fell in love with those eyes.  Laura is probably turning all red from reading this but that is alright, it is my job to embarrass her with sweet and nice things.  When we were first dating we were in separate countries (so we have had experience with the long distance thing before now) and I wrote an email to the local radio station requesting a song.  I believe it was "I Swear", I think Laura had said she had never heard the song before.  It also was around some holiday or something, maybe I was doing it just because.  I don't recall that part but I do know that it played twice.  I guess two DJ's got my email (I think I still have that somewheres stored away for safe keeping). I listened to the radio station online and only caught the second request.  The DJ read my entire email out, I had only intended for the DJ to read a small portion, the rest I had thrown in to gain the sympathy of the DJ and play the song.  Anyways I was chatting with Laura as she heard it.  She got good and embarrassed.  I think she was quite chuffed about it too though.  I'm pretty good at embarrassing her when I shouldn't though too.  I'm working on it.  Don't worry Laura I won't write your local DJ's again.  Maybe next time :P

I made sloppy joes again for dinner and they still didn't turn out as tasty as when Laura is here.  I could understand it if Laura was the one making the darn things for me but I'm the one cooking them for me regardless.  Occasionally Laura will make them for me and they taste better when she makes them, but why can't I be consistent?  I'm beginning to think Laura spits in them or something when my back is turned.

Well its getting late and I have things to do, like get to project number four.  Which I have decided I may as well have a project per week until Laura gets home.  It'll be fun for her.

22 days down, 27 to go.


Laura said...

Oh my my! Stalk much? You've been taking pictures of me on webcam? That's freaky! Haha...

I had heard the song before and I remember the day perfectly. Paul Doctor texted me and told me about the first dedication and I was embarrassed - you'd pick a different song to dedicate now, eh?

I love you. Do you need me to talk you through how to make Sloppy Joes?

Stuart said...

I don't stalk at all. You willingly engage in conversations with me.And you knew the camera was on, you were talking to me too.