Sunday 14 March 2010

Survivor's guide: day 6

This is the first time I have had to go through finals without my wife.  Oddly I feel no more or less stress about them with her gone.  I would love to have her here so I could celebrate with her about my scores but what can you do really?

Tonight dinner was out of a box again.  I need to find the recipes Laura left me.They should be tasty, the only worry I have is over eating.

Church was odd today.  Normally there is this older gentleman that will shake our hands and comment how happy we always look.  I sneaked past him today.  I didn't want people asking where Laura was.  Answering that question would have been an addition to the constant reminder that my wife is not wife me but rather elsewhere.

I was invited to go study with my class mates today.  I was sorely tempted.  I tend to study on my own cause I have a different style of studying that works for me.  I can work with others but I think if I had gone today I wouldn't have left until the hostess kicked me out for distracting everyone from there studies.  Would you want to return to an empty house?

Webcam makes this much easier though.  I don't know what I would do without it.  Laura and I get to video chat almost every day.  Lately she has been coming on as she is getting ready to pass out from a long day.  She looks really cute tired too.

A great way to pass time when I am thinking of Laura I have found is writing poems for her.  Nothing fancy, and probably only liked by her but it works.  I simply write out exactly what it is I am missing at that moment, like holding her hand and watching a movie, word for word.  Then I try translating it into something else entirely.  It's been fun.  Hopefully I get better at it by the time she gets back to me.

One weekend down 6 more to go.  I can hardly wait for this to be done with.  You'd better come back healthy my better half or we'll have words.  No more getting sick and leaving me alone.  I forbid it.  Please?