Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Survivor's guide: day 15

These past few weeks really have gone by fast.

I made it back to CA safely.  I didn't even get lost on the public transit.  Or dismembered, shot, seriously injured or some other form of injury that would ruin your day.  I was worried that when I got back home that I would suffer from the same shell shocked experience I did the first night Laura was gone.  Fortunately I was able to chat with her so all is good.

After all this travel I'm finding I don't need Laura as a travel guide.  I'm sure she'll enjoy that news because now she can just be my travel buddy.  Things should be more relaxed for her.

So I got mostly Laundry done today and didn't do much with the rest of the house.  I need to clean the bedroom after my packing.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.  I don't have a lot to do and I enjoy being able to have something to focus on to get me through the long days.

I may not need my wife to get me situated if public transportation, but it certainly is hard to give myself hugs and kisses and impossible to snuggle up at night.  I need her for much more important things.  Like boasies.

I get one from her in 34 days


Laura said...

I was worried about you on the public transport, I'll admit it. I'm very glad you survived. That must be a real boast to your confidence. Haha! Now we can go on adventures without your whinging the whole time. YUSS!

Love you, cheeky chops. Now get that loo cleaned!