Thursday 18 March 2010

Survivor's guide: day 10

It has been a lovely day here in the Seattle area.  My time here is going to end up passing quickly I think.

My wife had a doctors appointment today.  There was some poking and prodding and she'll go back for some more tests later.

She's going to Irvine this weekend with here parents.  which means I won't have her to chat with at all until possibly Sunday.  It is going to be hard.  I have been able to say hello to Laura at least every day since she left.  I don't know how I'll cope without some communication with her.  Communicating, even a gmail txt, has been my lifeline.

Today I went out with family and ended up at Target.  It is one of Laura's favorite stores.  I wanted to get her something but I don't know what I would have gotten her.  Besides I'm not sure I'd have enough room in the small bag I packed to get.

Today has been a good lazy day without any pressure of doing this or that.  I have enjoyed it.

Ten days have passed since I have been without my other half.  That is one fifth of this time that is now over.  I can hardly wait for the day when Laura and I will be in the airport hugging and enjoying one another's company again.  We are going to do the best we can to make sure we don't have to be separated this long ever again.

I have found exercise to be a great means of countering the gaping whole in my life.  It keeps me from eating too much.  I love food and take comfort in it.  Don't worry Laura I won't become a blob before you get home.  In fact I hope to trim up some.

Well it is getting late and I need some sleep.  The key to not getting teary eyed is to avoid doing those things you normally do with the other half.  For me that is eating at places like Burger King where we'd share some fries.