Saturday 27 March 2010

Survivor's guide: day 19

Today's dinner went better than yesterdays.  Ravioli salad.  As far as I know it is something Laura came up with.  Really tasty.  I never have had it, or heard of it till Laura served it to me.

Today Laura took her final.  She thought she had two but only had the one.  It was kind of funny.  I was on webcam with her the entire time.  She is not a stress free test taker.  I felt bad for her.  I just wanted to take her test for her.  She cute when she gets all wound up though.

My week of vacation is over.  I'm surprised at how fast it went by.  I'm glad to be getting  back to school though.  Me getting back to school means Laura is almost home. That is a good thing.  I'm looking forward to it.

I started another Project for Laura today.  I wanted to tell her all about it, she'll like it a lot.

Today was a fairly empty day.  Nothing big going on. The most exciting thing, aside from my chat with my wife, was the cover to the exhaust fan over the stove fell off.  That was a big crash.

Well I'm away to write my wife.

19 down, 30 to go.