Wednesday 10 March 2010

Survivor's guide: day 2

Today was easier than yesterday was.  I was much better prepared for the screaming silence that would greet me as I entered my home.  I have also been able to direct my focus.  In fact I believe I blew both of my tests out of the water that I took today.  I have two more tomorrow and I am less apathetic towards those.

Yesterday was hard not knowing what was going on with my wife, whether she was okay or not.  Who would protect her?  Her would make sure she didn't hurt her back?  I know I would probably only be good at preventing her from hurting her back and if it really came down to it Laura would be the one saving my skin and not the other way around.  I would only be good as fodder and Laura with her Scottish heritage... well I'm sure you have all seen Braveheart and we will leave it at that.

I got a text this morning close to 2am from my wife telling me she arrived safely at her parents home.  I was surprised how relieved I was to hear that news.  It was hard not being in contact with her for that many hours.  No text messages or anything for most of my day.  When she comes back here I think it will be easier because while she is flying I will be busy and I will pick her up straight after school.

I also started a little project, which I lovingly refer to as project appreciation.  Sparing the details of it (as this is for my wife upon her return) the project is simply a means of returning the sticky note favor.  I have found that when ever I get lonely or something of that nature, if I work on that project I can settle my nerves.  Fortunately I live in a safe area where the neighbors are watching out for one another so I don't have to worry about being alone in my home.

It is odd how quite I am without Laura here.  I don't talk with anyone after school, and I find myself wondering how it would be to forget how to speak.  I know that won't happen to me but I think of myself as stranded sometimes.  Fortunately I haven't done laps around the house like a zombie or started talking to myself again.  I was just out of it yesterday.  Much like a stunned animal that was just hit by a car but not badly injured.  Funny how the brain does that to us.

I think I need to change up my dinner routine tomorrow.  I had the same dinner tonight as I did last night.  It was good but I think I need some variety.  French-bread pizza is only good to be tasty for only so long, and I have forty-eight more days to go of feeding myself.

I dread this weekend. I fear it will be one of the harder tests.  My normal routine is to stay up late on Friday snuggling my better half.  Bit hard to do that with an ocean between us.  We used to laugh when we would sit on opposite sides of the couch after I asked to snuggle.  Much easier to snuggle with a couch between us rather than the ocean.

I have good friends and colleges who have been keeping an eye on me, even if it is just a virtual.  I'm quite a private person and I try not to go too much into detail with what is going on in my life.  I think that is why I find it so hard to maintain a blog.  It is, after all, the means of baring one's soul to the universe known as the web.  Odd as it seems to me to share my life, I think this blog may keep me from going too crazy.  Of course that depends on who you ask.


Laura said...

You should stay up late like usual this Friday and watch Friends and laugh when you think I'd be laughing - you'll be rolling about in hysterics in no time!

When you're gone all day long I'll sometimes catch myself talking out loud to myself but not having full on convo's. Don't do that, you're freaking me out! Although you talk to yourself even when I am there anyway...

I love you xx