Monday 29 March 2010

Survivor's guide: day 21

I love leftovers.  What a great way to get a meal up and going quickly.

Today was the first day of classes.  These days go slower than when I was on break.  Fortunately I have Wednesday off.  I hope I have the chance to chat with Laura.

Laura was going to have a photo shoot this week but she got snowed out.  I guess I'm glad I'm not in Scotland for the snow.  Then again to have my wife with me I would take the snow.

I'm glad to be back in school, even if I felt the break went by too quickly.  Had a really good lecture this morning that got me revved up again.

It wasn't a very busy day today and I have a poem to write and sleep to catch.  Maybe something more exciting will happen tomorrow.

21 days down, 28 to go.