Looks like the volcano is settling enough to let Laura get home to me. Hopefully it settles enough to be nice to the Icelanders.
We also went to Mt. Diablo park. It is a huge park. We drove up to the top. When we saw the huge line we were hungry and didn't want to wait to get in, pay for a five minute look about, then leave. So we made a U-turn. The ride up was quite nerve racking. A sheer drop was on the side as we were coming up, my side. I don't like heights much, I don't like it when it looks like we are going to roll off and tumble to our slow and painful death.

I made burgers for dinner tonight. Tomorrow it will be sweet green chili chicken quesadillas. Yum yum.
40 days down, 9 to go :D
That sounds like a fun day indeed! And the burgers look sooo yummy! The plain ones you made us before we but pico?! NOM NOM!
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