Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Survivor's guide: day 37

Not much longer now.  Thank goodness for that.

Another short post as I have to get some tidying up in before bed.  I have family coming this weekend.

Today was particularly special.  I was able to video chat with my wife today.  Not very often I have the chance to do that after school.  She had a doctor's appointment today and she'll go in again next week.  They are still trying to figure things out.  Really weird too.  She is having another blood test cause during the first one they only tested for one thing, and other such nonsense.  Really the number of tests being done should have only take a couple of weeks to get done.  I don't know why they are doing what they are doing.  Oh well.  Things will get sorted eventually.

Laura will be back soon and I am really glad to have her back.  I miss my better half.  She really is the other half of me.  She is a real blessing in my life.

37 day down, 12 to go.