Thursday, 8 April 2010

Survivor's guide: day 31

Next week end my folks will be in town, the week aft they leave my wife comes home.  No offence family but I am way more excited about her return than your visit.

My wife had a busy day today.  I was worried I wouldn't be able to chat with her much, which always makes my days feel that much longer.  I dread not being able to chat with her.  Well as the day would have it it looked like I was not going to be saying much to Laura.  I think I was able to ask her how she was doing and barely got a response to that.  She finally got back to me at 3 our time.  I was only able to say good night to her but I found that was the most important part of my chatting with her.  I got to let her know how much I love her and wish her sweet dreams.  Just like when she is here with me.  I'm the last one she speaks to before sleeping.  Of course many days I am the only one she speaks to verbally :S.  Regardless it meant a lot to me.

Funny how some men would see this as a vacation.  I don't know how they could possibly see it as such.  Then again maybe the time is much shorter than two months.  Still I hate leaving to go to school without my wife.  I know I will see her when I get back but still I don't like it.  I miss her.  Those days are way better than these two months.  At least Laura will be proud of how well I have kept the house.

31 days down, 18 to go.