Thursday 21 January 2010


I need to rant right now.  Which I think makes for a blog first for me.  Not the ranting but that I have two posts in a single day.  I was looking at one of my wife's tweets about the weather being akin to Scottish weather.  Her reference to Scotland made me really missed it at that moment.  I was curious to see how much tickets would be.  Fortunately it would be cheaper than last time we flew ($2000 just about) at a grand total of 1550 for the two of us.  I looked at the taxes and fees section and that was 478.51 per person, so 957 for the two of us.  Over fipping half of the ticket.  Why on earth must I be charged that much in taxes and fees?  I don't fly first class, can't afford to and I don't know anyone who could either, so the trip itself is quite taxing.  If I were to go by boat at least I would have some leg room.  Granted it would take me a week or two to get where I wanted to go but that is a lot of leg room.  I think the thing that really bothers me is that when you go to a site offering cheap airfare they hide those fees until the end.  Do yourself a favor and book directly from the airline's website. For the most part you can can the same price and better service.

I think next time I try and book a flight I may try booking it on the phone or in person with the airline and see if I can haggle the price down a bit.  I love flying and I really think airlines get a bad deal with having to pass the fee's and taxes they get charged onto the passengers.  Maybe someday I will develop that quantum transporter I talk about so we can travel places around the world almost instantaneously.  Now that would be fun trusting your life to a highly powerful computer to break you down into data and reassemble you on the other end of the line.  Better make sure the machines and communication lines are well maintained...