Merry Christmas everyone! It has been an absolute fantastic day. We woke up around 7:30 this morning and we mostly watched my Cousins open up all their presents. They had quite the amount of loot to open. Laura and I had quite a few gifts exchanged between us as well. I think my favorite gift came from Laura, the First two seasons of "The Office". A close second, if not tied with, is a gift from my mom "Fire Emblem" for the Wii. I liked all the gifts I received they were all well thought out and I really enjoyed them. I even enjoyed all the clothing I received which is a rarity. I'm not much of a clothes person and if I'm getting it as a gift for Christmas it had better e something good and they all were.
Laura's favorite gift was from me. I got her a new digital camera. It was really nice and she loved it lots. She was so excited about it. I'm really glad she liked it.
We spent time playing together and eating. My aunt made a fantastic meal. Really yummy side dished and stuff. Mmm...
Now Christmas night has come and I am truly sleepy. It has been a wonderful day and very tiring. I was Santa's helper in building up some of the gifts that needed putting together last night. It was lots of fun. I can't wait for next year... Pictures to come later...
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Posted by Stuart at 23:15 3 comments
Monday, 24 December 2007
Christmas and such...
Well it has been a long while since I've had the time to properly get on here and place a post. The nerf war did happen and we did have some video footage and then there was video footage malfunction so I never did get to posting anything about the war. It was fun and for the first time I have been around playing it, someone was bleeding. Not a lot but enough to say blood was shed during one of our wars. It was actually quite humorous. Another war is being planned soon to be held out in the snow. It should be fun.
Posted by Stuart at 05:44 1 comments
Thursday, 25 October 2007
The Chronicles of Nerf War Continues...
Once again the call to arms has been made. An opportunity to enact revenge, to regain some dignity, to regain some honor. The call has been made to many and we await to see who will heed that call. With every passing moment the time and day draws near. Due to construction the battle field has been altered. Dirt mounds have been moved, some reduced but still there all the same. The battles will be intense and the demand on each and everyone will be high. Heroes will be sought and heroes will be found. Men made as such due to the fight. Men that will rise from the ranks to prove they are worthy of the weapon they hold. This is no matter to laugh at. The only form of protection will be little plastic glasses. The time will come and it will prove to us who the most valiant are. When Saturday arrives the day still new, new Nerfers and Veterans alike will join together to decide who the victor is. With victory comes the honor and bruises. With the arranged battle time photographs will be taken and a new story to be told...
Posted by Stuart at 18:17 3 comments
Got Twins?
I suppose more than anything this post is mainly for my sister-in-law Beki. As you may know from reading my wife's blog Beki was pregnant with twins. The long wait is over both as they were born earlier this week almost a month and a half early and they are both healthy and strong. Laura and I are looking forward to meeting the twins and seeing the rest of her family again. We are already trying to get over to Scotland again for a summer internship. We really miss being with Laura's family. I'm an uncle three times over in only two births how cool is that. Laura was told by our nephew Cameron about having two new little sisters. When Laura said we were trying to get money to come and visit he had the answer ready for her. "You get it from the bank and then you get on the plane to come and visit. Don't forget to bring Stuart." that was about the gist of it anyway. So I now have two nieces by the names of Willow and Daisy. Well if all things go according to plan (and unfortunately the success rate of things going to plan is a bit low) we'll be in Scotland for Christmas 2008. I most definitely hope things go according to plan...
Posted by Stuart at 17:46 2 comments
Clock repairs and Crazy old Ladies...
Posted by Stuart at 17:02 0 comments
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Upon reading the title of this blog a few things may have come to mind. One could have been that exercise thingo, obviously I am not too knowledgeable about that. Another could have been a bunch of people getting dizzy and getting sick. But would you have pictured an 22 year old hopping onto the back of an 18 year old and being spun around? How about the other way around? If that is would you pictured then I suppose you ought to discontiune reading and skip the moives because I'm sure the image you thought up will be less hilarious than the two videos I will have available here for your veiwing pleasure. For those of you less imaginative folks out there, myself included, enjoy the clips provided. This all came about when I was spinning my Nephew around and after a good spin and getting him dizzy letting him walk around like a little drunk 2 1/2 year old. He loved it. It was his mother's idea (who just created a blog so this is dedicated to her I suppose) to spin me around and then I would spin her. Needless to say the outcome was funny...
This first one is Beki spinning me. The second one is me putting Beki to shame by spinning her faster...
Posted by Stuart at 12:28 4 comments
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Nerf Wars
On October 16th of this year I once again took up arms and participated in a very intense Nerf War capture the flag game. There was lots of shooting and just about as much yelping in pain from getting hit. We played in a field behind our apartment complex with dirt mounds because of construction which lead to muddy socks and dirt packed shoe tips. In one of the various shoot-outs while trying to pump up my weapon faster than my foe I missed and suffered the consequences, I was shot in the right ear and immobilized due to the stinging and the ringing of my ear. Valiant efforts were made to steal the enemy's flag one brave soul jumped and rolled down one of the dirt mounds only to be shot squarely in the shoulder walking away in pain and with a huge welt. This battle unfortunately went without any documentation. No photos. Only memories of those who participated and the bruises to prove their valor. Though we do have pictures from a similar war that occurred earlier this year this time the local was a city park.

You may be asking yourselves of whom I am speaking about, in truth that matters very little. What matters is that it is his stockpile of Nerf Weaponry that has enabled us to deal bruises to each other. He is the master modifier here in Rexburg. He may be the only Nerf Modifier here in Rexburg. To some it may sound like a silly little child's game to shoot each other with foam darts but all I have to

Posted by Stuart at 21:50 1 comments
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Beki, Aunt Wilma got you a present it's an... ELECTRIC BREAST PUMP!!!
Today, August 18th, is my sister-in-law's wedding day. She'll be getting married in a few hours time on a fairly wet Scottish Summer day. So this post is dedicated to her. A nice story she can tell her twins when she has them in December. After they grow up a bit I suppose...
She's a very cheeky individual. She's a trickster and sly, which makes getting her all the more fun. Before I tell you how the joke is on her I'll tell you all about the wonderful trick she played on me with her sister (my wife) Laura. I came to Scotland to get married and to get to know the family, knowing that after getting married my wife and I wouldn't have too many occasions to visit for long periods of time. One evening as I was preparing to go to sleep the sisters were telling me all about my soon to be father-in-law. Laura started off, without any prior communication to Beki, telling me her Dad was in a horrible accident. Beki piped in informing me that he lost his eye and that he had a glass one and so the story was built up going back and forth without either dropping the ball. The story was so well told that I didn't know I was going to be the butt of the joke for a few weeks. Soon her entire family knew and my Father-in-law started playing on it as well. Who the heck jokes about their father being in a horrible factory accident and losing an eye. Finally they told me and they all had a good laugh. Goodness I felt like a big dummy.
Beki doesn't believe that her older sister Laura can lie to her. She should have been fully aware of the fact that Laura can lie very well to play a good trick on someone. She in fact lied to Beki about a Birthday present long a ago. Beki really wanted a mobile phone. So younger Laura told a younger Beki "Mum and Dad got you a present that you might not like very much. They tried their best though." Beki asked what it was and Laura informed her that it was a mobile phone like Beki had wanted but it was huge. So big in fact that it would take two hands to operate it. Laura told Beki that she was going to have to look surprised so every night until Beki's Birthday Beki would practices her surprised look. I am told it became quite good in fact.
Now here comes the trick that has been played on our darling Beki. Laura once again is the mastermind behind it. Laura informed Beki that their Aunt Wilma had purchased a gift for her. Beki of course wanted to know what it was and said, "Come on Laura just tell me. You know I can make the surprised look." Beki then guess that it was a breast pump and Laura continued on by saying with a surprised look as if Beki had guessed the real thing that it was an electric breast pump and that it was a very nice one. Electric breast pumps apparently scare Beki and that does not sup rise me much. I would imagine quite a few women would be afraid of a machine of that sort. This morning Laura let us all in on the joke as Beki was in the other room on the phone to Aunt Wilma. As Beki came off the phone her Dad right on cue asked if Wilma asked Beki about the gift. Beki went on to tell us the whole story of how she guessed it and how Laura tried to lie about it but couldn't and informed Beki it was a really nice Electric Breast pump for when she has the twins. Were all trying not to crack up. My father-in-law with a perfectly straight face (Deserving an academy award and an Oscar for such a great performance) asks how did Beki guess. Beki in reply "I don't know I'm just a really good guesser when it comes to guessing these things. It's like a gift ." Well Beki for having a gift about guessing gifts given to you your really gift is the veil that you wanted in the wedding shop that you picked your dress up in.
Beki's real gift on my wife's head, what Beki thought she was getting and a picture of Beki's real surprised face.
Posted by Stuart at 02:44 3 comments
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Big Shrimps and Kites
Posted by Stuart at 10:55 1 comments
Monday, 6 August 2007
In case you ever needed to know the time in the UK whilst in orbit...
Posted by Stuart at 15:07 1 comments
Standing Stones and Such...
Posted by Stuart at 04:33 1 comments