The title of this blog may conjure up images of little plastic guns firing soft foam bullets, shooting people that are no further than ten feet away from you, no need for any special gear, and certainly no worries of any injuries. Well if that is what you pictured than you did so incorrectly. These Nerf Guns have been modified to shoot greater distances and the foam darts have been modified as well for distance. The dart now contains slingshot ammo at the head. The gun itself has had safety valves removed allowing for higher pressures to be used to shoot these now lethal foam projectiles. This is no sissy's game. After a game like this you walk away with welts all over your body and a few skinned knees depending on the terrain played. Playing here in Idaho you are gasping for air because it is so thin, especially when you are used to sea level air.
On October 16th of this year I once again took up arms and participated in a very intense Nerf War capture the flag game. There was lots of shooting and just about as much yelping in pain from getting hit. We played in a field behind our apartment complex with dirt mounds because of construction which lead to muddy socks and dirt packed shoe tips. In one of the various shoot-outs while trying to pump up my weapon faster than my foe I missed and suffered the consequences, I was shot in the right ear and immobilized due to the stinging and the ringing of my ear. Valiant efforts were made to steal the enemy's flag one brave soul jumped and rolled down one of the dirt mounds only to be shot squarely in the shoulder walking away in pain and with a huge welt. This battle unfortunately went without any documentation. No photos. Only memories of those who participated and the bruises to prove their valor. Though we do have pictures from a similar war that occurred earlier this year this time the local was a city park.
Due to a lack of odd numbers our teams were unequal so the name of the game was the last man standing. Two teams and the team with the most members still standing won. Our weaponry was scarce but the bravery was not lacking. We even had a female willing to take the hits from these high powered Nerf Guns. Lots of shooting went back and forth and lots of bruising was dealt out. Good times were enjoyed by all who participated. Yet to whom do we owe gratitude for bringing this into our lives here in Rexburg? None other than Jeffery Richard Davis II. He is the one taking aim with the purple rifle.
On October 16th of this year I once again took up arms and participated in a very intense Nerf War capture the flag game. There was lots of shooting and just about as much yelping in pain from getting hit. We played in a field behind our apartment complex with dirt mounds because of construction which lead to muddy socks and dirt packed shoe tips. In one of the various shoot-outs while trying to pump up my weapon faster than my foe I missed and suffered the consequences, I was shot in the right ear and immobilized due to the stinging and the ringing of my ear. Valiant efforts were made to steal the enemy's flag one brave soul jumped and rolled down one of the dirt mounds only to be shot squarely in the shoulder walking away in pain and with a huge welt. This battle unfortunately went without any documentation. No photos. Only memories of those who participated and the bruises to prove their valor. Though we do have pictures from a similar war that occurred earlier this year this time the local was a city park.

You may be asking yourselves of whom I am speaking about, in truth that matters very little. What matters is that it is his stockpile of Nerf Weaponry that has enabled us to deal bruises to each other. He is the master modifier here in Rexburg. He may be the only Nerf Modifier here in Rexburg. To some it may sound like a silly little child's game to shoot each other with foam darts but all I have to

Hahaha. You're such a geek but I love it. I love how this stuff entertains you and your war stories are always fun.
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