We went to see this huge standing stone a few days ago. The stone is massive above ground which made me wonder how big the stone really is. A lot of it has to be stuck in the ground to keep it from falling over. These stones usually have scences of some sort carved into them. This one just over looks the town that we were near. Near this stone (200 footsteps of my father-in-law's, of which he wasn't at all interested in :P) is an alter made of a tree stump turned upside down with the roots still attached. I have a picture of it over gown and you can barely see it but it is definately there.
These alters are used for rites unknown to me. The significance in the distance between the standing stone and the alter must be present but what it is I also do not know. One of those cool things about history and ancient civilzations that I hope to someday learn. I think one of the more interesting things about this alter and standing stone is the fact that there is not any information nearby. Most of these sites in Scotland do have some sort of commentary along with. My Father-in-law recons that the alter is probably unknown by most...
Thanks for the red circle there on the last picture. I saw it first hand and wish there'd been a red circle to show me what the heck we were looking at.
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